Friday, July 27, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Friday Yea!!!  Its FRee Genealogy Question Day?    Ask me and I'll respond right here on my blog!   R u visiting relatives this weekend?   Maybe u have hit a brick wall.   Let me help.   cga

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Continuing my Survival Road Trip Kit:
5-  Forms -  Print out blank forms such as: research calendar, research extract, source summary for family information, correspondence record or other forms that you deem necessary to record the information you are looking for.  Check online for other forms like a cemetery form, probate office form depending on where you are going.   Forms keep you organized for when you get back to your room or home so that you can transcribe easily.

6-  Camera (digital preferred)  voice recorder, portable scanner -  when visiting cemeteries it is a good idea to take a picture of the entrance to the cemetery plus any gravesites you find.   Making note of where the grave sites are located is also suggested.  A voice recorder is great if you happen to come across an old timer in the city you are visiting and he/she has lots of stories to tell you.  You can use the portable scanner at the Probate Office to scan wills, death certificates, etc..

7-  Laptop Computer -  In the evenings, if you're not exhausted, you can sit down and sort through all the information you acquired throughout  the day and input the information on your database.

8-  Travel Journal - Keep a travel journal of all your research.   This journal can be a digital or a written one.  You will be surprised at how many times you will refer back to it.

But most of all, don’t get overwhelmed and do too much.   Enjoy the experience.   Even if you don’t get all the information you want, you have had fun at what you love most, Genealogy. cga

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Survival Kit Tips:

1-  Lots of pencils and paper -   Most State and National Archives, college libraries, city libraries do not allow pens.  Always go onto their website and read about what is allowed in their Genealogy Room.

2-  Change -  You will needs lots of change for making copies, parking, refreshments, etc...

3-  Family Group Sheets - These sheets should be filled out with updated information so that you can access dates easily.  Do not take your whole genealogy file with you.   Take only the pertinent information you will need.

4-  ToDo List  - Know what you are looking for.   Is it a birth certificate or a newspaper article?  Are you looking for a local cemetery?  Always make this to do list and follow it so that you don’t get sidetracked.

See u tomorrow for more survival kit tips. cga

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

As we go full swing into the summer months,  are you thinking about taking a Genealogy trip out of town.   Are you planning to go to the State and National Archives, State College Libraries, out of town cemeteries, out of town Probate Court Office?  Wherever you go, you will need a survival kit and be well prepared.  Before you plan this trip however, ask yourself, can i find this information out at my local library or maybe I can order through the local LDS Family History Center, the microfilm I need?  Searching for your family records in your ancestor’s local town or city should only be done after you are sure you cannot acquire the records through easily accessible means.  Do you want to spend the time and money traveling when you can access the information on-line?  After careful planning, make a survival kit. Follow tomorrow as we continue with the survival kit. cga

Friday, July 20, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

It's free Friday ! Ask any genealogical question and I'll answer it right here on my blog. R u hitting a brick wall? What have u got to lose. Have a gr8 weekend and since the weather is warm go visit great grandpa and have him show u some pictures with the story behind it. Take ur voice recorder n digital camera. See u all on Tuesday cga

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Have you ever searched the census and said, what does that say?   You just can't read the shorthand of early census takers..   They used some obvious shorthand, like jno = john.   Does that make sense?  Thos = Thomas.   After 30 years of reading the censuses, I am still learning.

Newspapers (historical) lets you search but uses OCR (optical character recognition)  What is OCR?  Example, type a keyword like Robert Glasgow, and it looks for Robert and Glasgow which, of course,  is going to bring up thousands of unnecessary information and is very unreliable.  If you search twice it will bring up different information each time.   If you are looking for a death notice, use the date and then search within.   Try putting the whole name in quotes “robert glasgow” and hopefully it will bring up only the Robert Glasgow's’ you need.  Just a tip, Newton County LIbrary has access to historical newspapers on microfilm in their Heritage Room. cga

Friday, July 13, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Ya!!!  Its Friday!  the 13th at that !!   Free Genealogical Question Friday??   Ask me and I'll answer right here on my blog.   Have a great weekend!!   cga

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

To continue with SEARCH TECHNIQUES, Indexes:  When u get search results and it includes an index, make sure you also check the original.   The index is only as good as the data operator.   For example, a L could be taken for a T.  Also, there is more information on the original than the index.   Don't miss out on important information by not looking at the original document.   cga

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Hello everyone! Happy Hump Day.  
Are you having trouble getting the information you need out of your database search? What are the best ways to search internet databases?

Know what your searching.   Learn on the homepage what the database has to offer you. Just about all the databases available on the internet have a homepage and explain thoroughly what it has for you.   It is highly recommended to read what you are searching before just going in and randomly searching.   You can become very overwhelmed and frustrated if you don’t take your internet searches slowly. Doing this first will save you time and frustration. Searching multiple databases at one time can bring you too many results that you have to sift through.   The best policy is to know exactly what you want to search and search that database specifically. cga

Friday, July 6, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Its Free Genealogy Question Friday !!    Ask me a genealogical question and I'll answer right here on my blog!    Have a great weekend !    Go to that cemetery you been wanting to go take pictures of !   cga

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How was everyone's 4th of July?   Hope that you have been following my blog and brought that voice recorder to the barbecue.   Did u transcribe it yet?   Do it now!!!   To continue the survival kit tips for genealogy trips, make sure u bring your filled out Family Group Sheets.   This will help u access dates more quickly.   cga

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

Happy 4th!!!   Take lots of change  for making copies, parking or refreshments on your Genealogy Trip this summer.    cga

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

R u going on a road trip this 4th of July week to do some genealogy research?   Some Survival Kit Tips:
1-Take lots of pencils and paper.  Most state and national archives, college libraries, city libraries do not allow pens.   Always go onto their website and read about what is allowed in their Genealogy Room.  cga

Monday, July 2, 2012

Genealogy (Love of the Hunt)

4th of July is Wednesday, r u going to be celebrating with relatives?   Remember, to take ur voice recorder and lots of questions.   Review ur genealogy and gather questions for the relatives.   Get them to talk about grandpa and grandma.  See u tomorrow as we explore about to survive a genealogy trip.   cga